Surpriseline is named for the lineage of Kobblevale Surprise. She is known for her tremendous structure and prepotency. She is the heart of our breeding program at Topline and we’ve built our program around daughters and grand daughters of this line. They have proven themselves in the show ring, as breeding stock and in commercial operations.

Binnowee Caesar and Glen Innes L450 first came to our attention when we purchased one of our original cows Binnowee Supreme in the year 2000. We loved the look of this cow and the calves she was producing. We did some studying about those lines and found out there were very few of those lines available in the US. After many discussions with our good friend Jim Eldridge, he told us about this cow named Kobblevale Surprise that was Supreme Lowline Exhibit at the Royal Sidney Show in 2007. She was of great interest to us because of her pedigree.
Kobblevale Surprise is double bred Binnowee Caesar on top and bottom and also has L450 in her dam line. We have always been more interested in building our herd around the maternal side.
We were very fortunate to be able to purchase Kobblevale Surprise, her full sister and several half sisters from Lee and Phil Labrie of Kobblevale, wonderful people and excellent cattle breeders. We imported Surprise and her sisters in 2008 from Australia.
We bred Surprise to TL Wanamara Vanderbolt, a bull we imported in utero and born on our place. That mating produced TL Julius. In 2010 we took Surprise to the National Western Stock Show where she and her calf TL Julius won a very competitive National Grand Champion Cow/Calf division.
TL Julius went on to become National Reserve Grand Champion Bull the following year in Denver. Several years later we sold half interest in him to Walters Land & Cattle. Julius (now deceased) was used as a replacement heifer bull because his calves are so structurally correct. To date, Walters Land & Cattle have had over 4500 calves on the ground sired by him and have been collecting data all along. The data has proven the strong benefits of Surpriseline in a commercial operation.
Two of Surprise’s grandsons through TL Julius were highly successful in Bull Feed Tests. One was named High MBT Indexing Bull (combo of ADG, efficiency, yearling ratios) at Midland. The other was named Fullblood Champion among 22 bulls at Western Aberdeen Association Bull Test.
TL Julius is also the prime sire behind our family Angus/Aberdeen operation in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho (4D Land & Cattle). We strive to produce structurally correct Aberdeen Angus replacement heifers for the commercial beef market.
But…it didn’t end with TL Julius. Surprise has proven herself in her daughters, sons, granddaughters and grandsons. Learn more about Surprise’s lineage here. ⇓